Friday, September 9, 2011

One year

We are coming up on one year. Hard to believe it's been that long. Many have wondered what our plans are. No pomp and circumstance planned. Just really want the day to come and go. Here's the truth; every day is an anniversary for me. Another day I made it through. Maybe at a year a medal of honor should be handed out. Don't mean to be sad. Its just that I live this every day. I appreciate that others get to not think about it every day. And I'm touched that so many want to take the day to remember Rod.

Also sort of a blessing that I live it every day; still haven't forgotten his voice, his smell, his silly laugh, his guitar playing, his kindness. I know from being with him for 26 years what he'd do or say in any given situation. I realize many people never get the chance to live the great life I've lead for even one year let alone 26. I have much to be happy and grateful for. And many more years to live and enjoy my children and hopefully grandchildren some day. (Hint hint kids if you're reading this!)

I know what Rod would say about the day; "Might as well use that day to party and remember the good times"

So here's the plan:
Rodney and Kylee will just be returning from a fabulous Alaskan cruise. Those lucky ducks. Still not sure why they didn't take their Moms with them!

Joseph and Luke will be playing basketball with their friends and Rods friends who want to get together and play one in remembrance of Rod.

I will be flying to Utah to visit my girls. We may go to Rods favorite restaurant in Utah; Zupas and eat too much and tell Dad's dumb jokes and laugh instead of cry.

I will also spend some time in the temple. Remembering the promises made there.

One year has come and gone. We've made it through all the 'firsts'. We've seen the depth of compassion and service of so many. Truly amazing the love that has been shown.

I try to keep life going on just as it would if Dad were here. That seems to work best. We are good. Little miracles and blessings are manifest on a regular basis to remind me that while I may be alone, A loving Heavenly Father has not forgotten myself or my children.
Thanks y'all for everything,


Katie Evans said...

I read this post and all the ones before...your life and marriage with Rod is an inspiration to me. Thank you so much for letting me see a glimpse into it.

I loved seeing you at the baby shower. I think of you and your sweet family often.

Suzi said...

I was a pre-jennifer friend of Rods. I remember when he met you he said the two of you "Just Jell" :) I have thought of you often over the course of the last year...and especially yesterday. Congratulations on getting through all of the firsts, on finding happy ways to mark the day,and on being sealed to one of the finest men I've known.